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消費須知 Guest Guidelines
你好 如果你第一次來訪,請詳閱店內規則
Hi, if you visit here for the first time, please note the following:
No outside food or drink allowed (including creamer), and please don't leave your trash behind.
All beverages are carefully prepared, and it will be well worth the wait.
.每人低消為200元(店內消費均收10%服務費),請不要為難現場人員。如無消費打算,請在5分鐘內離開。 There’s a minimum charge of NT$200(+10% service) per person. If you don’t plan to spend, please leave in 5 mins for others..
If there are many customers in the store, please do not occupy more seats than the number of consumers.(or apply to the minimum spending rule per seat).
.店內插座少,WIFI也不快,使用插座無另外收費,請資源共享 There are few sockets in the store and the wireless internet available. No extra charge applied, please use reasonably and share with others.
.為了安全起見,原則上不允許6歲以下的兒童進入。如果孩子進入並做出影響他人的行為, 請將他們帶到附近的公園溜噠溜噠。 For safety sake, children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter in principle. If children enter and do behaviors that effect others will be asked to leave with their parents.
Please lower your voice down when you talk or laugh so as not to affect others.
Please use earphones when listening to music and watching videos with 3C products.
Most of the antique furnitures in the store are very expensive , please do not rearrange at will. Cups and plates are fragile, please use with care. Any damage will be charged for compensation.
Vomiting, defecating or urinating in the dining area will be charged NT$1000 as cleaning fee.
.店內請勿進行賭博、傳教、算命、占卜、能量交換、商業拍攝等活動。 Do not engage in gambling, preaching , fortune telling, divination, energy exchange or any religious or spiritual activies ,etc. No commercial photography or related actions are allowed, too.
© 2022